What do I need to know?
Whether you are new to our wonderful community of Bainbridge or just new to our church, we are delighted that we can share our faith together. Our congregation has many opportunities in worship, programs, ministries, and studies to create, deepen, better understand, and live out a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is our pleasure to welcome you into our community of believers.
What to expect:
Worship is the central act of the people of God where we as a church can connect with our Creator and connect with the community of believers around us. On Sunday mornings, we have a traditional worship service in our sanctuary at 10:30 am. Traditional Worship Traditional Worship is held in the historic sanctuary at 10:30 AM Sunday Mornings. Throughout the 2000 year history of the Christian Church, many traditions have been adopted and passed on by believers. Through the celebration of music, the written and spoken word, and prayer, we honor many of those same handed-down traditions in our worship service. On almost every week, our music director coordinates or directs special presentations of music, and our senior pastor delivers inspirational, and heart-felt messages. Come worship with us. |